Our Mission

Beyond Buckets is a program that merges athletic training with the knowledge and best practices of professional sports front office staff to impact both academic and athletic performance of our student athletes.

Professional sports is a multi-billion dollar industry with the players and the games being at its core. However, the odds of a high school senior to go play NCAA basketball is less than 3% and out of those who do play only 1.3% make on to an NBA roster. That breaks down to a 0.03% chance of a high school basketball player to make it into the NBA.   


The Beyond Buckets Summer Academy aims to expose the vast amount of opportunities outside of being a player on the court (or field) to make a living while being involved with the game you love.   

An important and impactful opportunity for student-athletes to begin building a network with professions that revolve around the sports and entertainment field.
— Bryson Graham, Director of Scouting for the New Orleans Pelicans

Professions covered

Student-athletes receive individualized basketball training and SAT/ACT tutoring. They are also exposed to professional development and careers in the sports and entertainment sector. Students will become knowledgeable in the following professional fields:

  • Athlete Marketing and Representation
  • Brand Management and Consulting
  • Event Marketing and Management
  • Finance and Operations
  • Legal Affairs
  • Licensing, Merchandising and Retail
  • Public Relations and Communication
  • Radio and TV Broadcast
  • Team Physician
  • and more.